Fancy Writing for North Wales News?

We’re on the lookout for aspiring contributors, funny-boys, giggly-girls, tickly-trans, whatever your shape and form. If you can write, and think you’re funny (don’t we all?) – get in touch.

If you don’t get us, then don’t contact us. We’ll probably get upset and send the boys round to have a word.

If you’re upset by one of the articles, DO get in touch. We’re not monsters. Well, ok, it’s arguable we might be at times but if you’re crying, we don’t like that.


Please remember – North Wales News is a satirical site interlaced with truths and part truths, for your entertainment purposes, and clearly states so at the top of every page.

PS. We also have ‘proper’ jobs, so may not respond in a timely manner, but we will endeavour to. Have fun and stay safe.