Stupid People continue to come to North Wales during Lock-down

Now in the sixth week of lock-down, North Wales Police LIQTS (Low-IQ Targeting Squad), are still finding stupid people making the journey into North Wales from all around the UK.

In recent days, the LIQTS team have turned stupid people away several times, including one clueless window-licking spamtard from London.

This Londoner had decided that neither Boris Johnson, or Mark Drakeford were right, and neither were their armies of scientists, doctors, and counsellors, and that he would ignore the lot and go to Snowdon anyway.

The unfortunate thing for this Londoner though, was that he was driving an Audi, and everybody knows Audi-drivers are trouble. He was consequently stopped on the A55, tailgating a Police pursuit car at 140mph.

Professional-looking signs are definitely helping keep people away.

Sgt Ron Tibones, who is on placement from the Llama Squad, was the officer on duty and was clear about the rules.

It’s easy. Stay home. Do not leave home unless you have to. Do not travel 200 miles to another country. Do not visit Snowdon. Do not be a fantastically retarded clutwodd, just stay at home“.

He adds “It’s really difficult being in the Police at times. We’re here to enforce the law that we all abide by. We’re here to help people and to make sure people are safe, and we deal with trouble when it arises. But the hardest thing it, is that when we get majestic morons like this Londoner, we’re not allowed to smack them about at all when we catch them. Not even a little bit, it’s crazy“.

The Londoner was sent back in the direction he came, but then secretly doubled back on a different route and went up Snowdon anyway, because he’s more important than the rest of us.